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Monday, September 5, 2016

Easy@Home Combo 40 Ovulation (LH) and 10 Pregnancy (HCG) Tests Strips Kit

Hello loves,
So this kit a bit different then the pervious one, this one has 40 ovulation tests and 10 Early Pregnancy tests...
I have been testing out this brand for couple of weeks now and i think that it is pretty good, and accurate and easy to read results.
 In this post I will talking about the Easy@Home brand and their LH and HCG tests.
I feel that this brand is quite affordable on Amazon, don't if you are looking for them grab them online and don't waste your money at super markets. I did receive these items super fast even thought i do not have amazon prime

here is the video
Test results
First pragancy test
 Second and Third test
 First Opk test

So result appear really fast, you wait 5 minutes to see your result.

Click here to try it for yourself!!

Do let me know if you guys try it out, and how it works out for you guys!!
would love to hear about it...
Thank you for reading!!
Disclaimer: this product/item was sent to me in exchange of a review

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