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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anokha Jewellery Giveaway From

ANOKHA collection features a selection of Bracelets, Necklaces, Rings, Earirings, sets made out of silver and semi-precious stones.  

ANOKHA means “unique” in Hindi… And so is this collection, inspired by Indian jewelers,  who hand-carve great designs that look even more beautiful with the passage of time.

The elegant works of silver underline the natural beauty of the contemporary woman who wears them, acknowledges her dynamic  lifestyle and strong individuality.
In thought of the, I Just love unique styled jewelry and wanted to share it with you guys. The name of the shop is Anokha Jewellery, Its owned Krassimira Iordanova. They are based on Mannheim, Germany. 

A bit about Krassimira

Little background information about Krassimira, She came from Bulgaria, and now lives in Germany. She has been very sensual and passionate about jewelry all her life.

Inspiration to her design:

She says, " I believe that the greatest ideas in jewelry making come on intersections of cultures, traditions and occupations. I draw a lot of inspiration from the traditional Indian jewelry making, from travels, architecture, textiles, food…My designs reflect my ethnic heritage and diverse accumulated experience".

What really got her to start her own Jewelry shop? 

She says, "I had the idea for an online jewelry store for a long time. And this is the magical thing with ideas: you have to let them grow and when the right moment comes, you turn them into something tangible."

She says she noticed that "for the past 10 years (the time I’ve spent in Germany): The majority of Germany women, compared to the women in India/Mexico/Brazil/Egypt/Eastern Europe, do not wear a lot of jewelry and when they do, it is plain, and in a way, very conservative- from a very simple ring, a pair of stud earrings to a plain necklace and ….well, that’s it….But I noticed that the women I met like the designs of the jewelry that I wear which I have bought throughout my travels around the world."

Followed by that she says, "I came across so many unique designs around the world- a real festival for the eyes, but I couldn’t take them all home…And this is how I came to the idea- why not set up an online shop and let the magic of the unique designs reach the women of today. 

In regards, the whole inspiration is reflected in the name of my shop- ANOKHA- means unique in Hindi." 

About her creativity…

She says she hears very often people saying “…you know, I’m not really that creative….” I actually don’t believe in this- everyone can be creative; the problem is that we forgot how. I love to be around children, because they are the most creative human beings and I like to (re)discover the world through their eyes.

 Her favorite items from the shops  are
  • “Padma” with champagne colored freshwater pearls and crystals carefully strung on a delicate silver chain. This set puts me in a true festive moodJ
  • Ring “Kanya” with smoky topaz and zircons. I call it “fire on ice”.
  • Woundering why? well feel free to check out her blog :) for more info
      Nevertheless her words inspires me and she was nice enough to hold up a giveaway for my blog!!
      Would like to thank Krassimira for holding this wonderful giveway!
      She is a very inspiring designer, so go check out:
       her collection!!
      One Lucky winner will get to win a Pair of beautiful Earrigns "Vedi" From the Anokha Jewelery Shop.

      Theses are Hand textured silver earrings. Simple elegance – perfect for everyday wear.
      Silver: .925
      Price: 30€/ 42.01 USD

      This Giveaway is open world wide, and till April 1, 2011!

      How to enter:

      • If under 13 or under please make sure you have your parents permission to enter!
      • Must fill out the required form, and also can enter by comment below!
      • If you are the winner, I will need your mailing address to get the prized sent to you. If the winner must contact me with in 1 week, after winner is announced. If for any reason you cant contact me I will pick an other winner after 1 week.


      1. Participated! Thank you!

      2. Participated! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

      3. hope i win! i love those earrings! :)

      4. I love so much the Aparna Ring!

      5. Nice intricate jewelries you got on your site! Joined this giveaway too.

      6. What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks so much.

        soklad at hotmail dot com

        Check out mine at

      7. Participated in your giveaway! Thanks so much! :)

      8. Great collection, creativity reflect in it. Such a wonderful collection, telling you by heart very inspirational and very trendy.

        hp coupon code


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