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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sigma Beauty F45- Buffer brush thoughts and Review + Coupon

Hey lovlies so I wanted to share with you my thats about this good boy!!
So here is how the package came in, the box has Sigma tape around it
Inside the box, Nicely packaged with bubble wrap
here  is what the bag was inside

The Buffer F45
its so cute, and BIG
Has sigma written over it
Big and fluffy
Can u see that
Doesnt it look cute?

more details that were in the box

Website image

Site description:
Ideal to apply mineral foundation, loose or pressed powders. Also great to buff colors and obtain a soft, blended look. Natural bristles.

My Thoughts:
This brush is so cute and tiny, yet does the job great, it blinds and buffs the product in to the skin, without being cakey and dry. Perfect product to reach for when applying all over powder, and also foundation, and also for the last step of buffing in if its too powdery.
I feel this one Make lovely a gift, something that every girl could use, cheap and small, something fab, that your friend would remeber when she use it.

also use this on check out to get 10% off on ur purchase

Sigma Beauty coupon CODE: 0112XJM on check out to get 10% off ur purchace

Do let me know what you think!! dont 4get to share your thoughts and comments below :)
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Tons of LOVE!!
till next time


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